Nitra 2008

Dascania and Mama Assia at Nitra (SK) 30/03/2008


Dascania and Bjanka with judge Tibor Havelka Burkhard with Dascania, Silke with Assia

... this time we found a friendly owner of a leonberger dog, who took some shots of the landseers (entered and present: 7). We guess the landseers were moving too fast. There are only photos after the end of movement in the ring....

Upper left: Dascania, and Bjanca, both junior class bitches. On the right picture the whole family celebrates Assia's success as BOB!

Results Nitra 2008

the results

Dascania at the honorary ring Dascania in the honorary ring

Left: Dascania at the honorary ring, ready for the election of "best junior bitch" of the day. On the right picture she is waiting for the first election. In the foreground the judge, Mr. Havelka (SK), who on this day also acted as judge for the landseers in the breed competition. Here he had the difficult task to elect the best junior bitch.

Dascania with Burkhard in the honorary ring Dascania with Burkhard in the honorary ring

Dascania was elected one of the five best junior bitches of the day. Only the three first were ranked, so she had place four or five. We are very proud, that in her young age she presents herself so calm and with such an amount of  selfconsciousness.

The prices are waiting for the winners

Unnecessary to explain: These are the cups to be awarded in the honorary ring. The lower two rows are the cups for the Best of Breed.

Assia at the honorary ring Assia entering the honorary ring

Upper left: Assia is waiting to enter the honorary ring for the competition of FCI group 2. Upper right and lower left Assia and Burkhard are moving in the honorary ring. Lower left they are waiting for the election of Best of Group 2..

Assia with Burkhard Assia with Burkhard in the honorary ring

... finally a beautiful, sunny, warm spring day reaches it's end.......and we are really glad about this very successfull show day......

Assia and Dascania, our heroes of NITRACANIS 2008

Assia in champion Class excellent 1, CAC, Best of Breed
.... her little daughter Dascania in junior Class excellent1, CAJC, and one of the five best young bitches of the day ... wow!

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